
The most affordable all-in-one conversational AI tool for recruitment


is Conversational

Engages with candidates and hiring teams in natural language

Understands expectations, tracks behaviour, clarifies doubts, explains the employer’s value proposition, schedules interviews and takes care of all admin activities

Modern Platform

AI enabled all-in-one TA management platform with advanced ATS and intelligent reporting

Intelligent Outreach

Passive candidate management which unlocks hidden potential of your database

Talent Pool

AI powered CV evaluation and talent pool search, filter and management.

Conversational AI

Natural voice and text based interface for recruiters, hiring managers and candidates

iona enables strategic talent Acquisition for corporates

Free up time to move from reactive recruitment to proactive talent acquisition

Your Recruiters will become Talent Acquisition Advisors - take fact based decisions quickly, have time to empathise with hiring managers and attract the right talent before the competition.

Seamlessly integrates with MS Teams, Skype Slack, Cortana,
Alexa, Facebook Messenger and the likes

iona delivers fast and
profitable growth for

recruitment agencies

We work with recruitment agencies to completely transform their business. Our experts will automate your workflow end-to-end, establish talent pools, enable voice and text AI chatbot conversations for candidates, your recruiters and client hiring managers. Finally the AI will help to achieve fast and profitable growth for your business.

Recruitment Agencies can easily monitor business
performance and engage with candidates

How does IONA

Conversational AI - NLP

iona’s conversational AI is based on finding right intents from words or sentences. It breaks down the elemental pieces of languages using statistical and machine learning methods to rules-based and algorithmic approaches i.e. Natural Language Processing (NLP). The objective is to fill the gap between human communication and computer understanding to deliver multiple benefits.

Training models, Algo & ML

iona automatically learns and improve from experience. She primarily uses supervised machine learning algorithms to develop predictions, ranking and matchmaking. The intelligent models enable analysis of massive quantities of data. And our expert data scientists constantly monitor and improve accuracy.

Our Research & Development

Our vision is to make hiring effortless for everyone involved and our mission is to fully automate the process of hiring freeing up bandwidth for strategic activities. We do this by leveraging the latest technologies ranging from conversational Artificial Intelligence to developing new age prediction machines.

To achieve our vision, we invest heavily in research and development. We have our own model hiring setup where we aggressively test new features before releasing them as enhancements for our customers. Read about some of our current methods and approaches

Time & motion analysis

We regularly conduct a systematic observation, analysis, and measurement of more than 100 separate steps involved in recruitment process. Our objective is to relentlessly optimise recruitment effort and automate the hiring workflow with innovation that makes a real difference.

In addition, we simplify recruitment — reducing redundant and wasteful tasks - to further improve productivity.

Recruitment Hierarchal Task Analysis (HTA)

Finding the right talent at the right time is the aim of every recruitment process. We have scientifically deconstructed the high level recruitment tasks into a hierarchy of subtasks. This has enabled us to explore various approaches to reaching a completed hire and we have designed iona based on these workflows so that iona can adopt your workflow quickly and easily. It has really simplified the way users access the system.

IONA is developed in collaboration with hiring managers, recruiters, talent acquisition heads, candidates, recruitment agencies and top job boards. So we know that every perspective has been considered and included in our analysis.

Recruitment Cognitive Task Analysis (CTA)

A hiring process includes a lot of cognitive activity from the recruiter and hiring managers, such as decision-making, problem-solving, memory, attention to detail and judgement. key steps of Cognitive Task Analysis include: mapping of recruitment tasks, identifying decision points, clustering, linking, and prioritising them, and identifying the different strategies employed. 

This analysis really helps us to understand differences in performance between novices and experts and the quality of decision making by expert recruiters. 

iona carefully shares learnings with novice recruiters so that they can quickly become experts. This is an excellent method for training and developing high performing hiring teams and a very natural means of learning new skills.

IONA is ready for deployment and will exhibit best in class cognitive abilities on day one. These abilities will further improve as IONA gets more data of your organization.

Our approach goes beyond from sourcing to on-boarding landscape as iona learns from how the new hire is performing, why people are staying or leaving so that hiring guidelines can be adjusted accordingly.

Our objective is to offer innovative interventions to motivate and improve engagement, lift the quality of outcomes and develop a high-performance hiring culture whilst freeing up recruiter time.

Our vision is to make hiring effortless for everyone - employers, recruitment agencies, candidates, and universities.

We regularly invite our clients to participate in our ongoing research.

Full capabilities of iona

Conversational AI

Advanced NLP

AI powered natural language processing. Multi language support

Talent Pool

AI Search & Filter

Advanced search & filter algorithms based on latest trends in machine learning

CV Evaluation

Self Learning

Evaluates CV like a recruiter. Quickly identifies key patterns and ranks accordingly

Employee Referrals

Easy & Transparent

QR code based system significantly eases policy implementation & execution

Hiring partner management

Strategic Control

Manage & evaluate your vendor performance and communication with ease

Modern ATS

AI Powered

Automates request to onboarding with modern AI enabled application tracking & management

Automated Calling

IVRS & Click To Call

Call candidates directly via the iona portal, call recording and analytics. Automated IVRS call setup

Career Pages

Google API Ready

Google job API ready career pages which reduces reliance on job boards

Voice Ready

Alexa, Google, Cortana

Easily integrated with Alexa, Google Home, Skype, Cortana voice interfaces

Smart Dashboards

Predictive Analytics

Actionable recommendations, insights and personalisation

Get In Touch

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Office Phone

+91 - 9999092887

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