Ucodice Technologies
Ucodice Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
Ucodice Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
Ucodice Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

Develop multi language website

Multi language website is a big challenge for new developer.  They feel that its very hard job to create a multi language website. But in real this job is very easy to handle.  I am going to explain in simple steps to handle multi language website. 

Before going into much details, I would like inform this is smallest & easiest way to achieve multi-lingual website & only applicable for small scale websites.  This may not be 100% optimized way to achieve this but for sure easiest way to achieve this.

Suppose you have a message in website & want to show that in 2 different languages. Store that message in a arrays. For example


$en_array['content1']="Message in English";

$other_language['content1']="Message in other language";


After creating 2 different arrays, you need to assign them to a fixed array that will be used to print content on website.


For example

In your website you are printing message using $message['content1'];

You don't need to change anything here just set

$message=$en_array when somebody chooses English language  And set

$message= $other_language when somebody chooses Other language.


Now keep adding your content in these language array & print them using $message['index'].


Note you need to keep index of array same in both arrays & you need to print same index using $message.

Thats it.


Ucodice Technologies
Ucodice Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
Ucodice Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
Ucodice Technologies Pvt. Ltd.


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  • Mike

    Multi language websites are increasing day by day and will have great value in upcoming years. Developers must learn these front end development skills to create websites with different languages.

    • Mike
    • 4

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